information for one’s consciousness expansion
and further spiritual development ~
throughout all existence…
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
Monastic Ecovillage
The Community Of The Purple Lodge
The Nazir Order Of The Purple Veil
In The Degree Of The Ascension
We are on an Infinite journey since beginningless time and there are always heights ahead…
words of Reverend Nazirmoreh
Path of Mystic Enlightenment
Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh
The Baba's Travels through India
(must have adobe pdf reader to view this album)
The Teachings and Life Living
Thank you for being here. Wendy (Canada)
Greetings and Blessings,
With all love and blessings to Reverend Nazirmoreh, we would like to thank you for your excellent service and devotion. I received your high quality incense which we, at the the Temple of Consciousness, offered to our Master and Guru, Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi this holiday season. In looking at your website we find many similarities between our communities and it gives us great joy to know we are in the Oneness consciousness together. Blessings and most excellent living and joy on your paths in the Light. All love and respect, P. B. (Colorado)
Thank you so much for your supreme service! I have not dealt with any company, group or person that provides faster or or more loving personal service! I thank you for the meditation c.d. as well. Ustad Nasir Ahmed’s mandolin recording is one of the best pieces of music I ever heard! I highly reccomend it! If I may be of any service to you, let me know. I run a small home studio as a hobby. Again I thank you as a brother. Namaste’ K. D. (MO)

Blessings and Thanks to our Beloved Spiritual Master – –
the Reverend Nazirmoreh K B Kedem (All Blessings And Respect Due) …
Founder, spiritual head & director of
Nahziryah Monastic Community
Retreat for Meditation and Wholistic Living
Monastic EcoVillage
The Community of the Purple Lodge
The Nazir Order of the Purple Veil
In The Degree Of The Ascension