Monastic Ecovillage

A monastic ecovillage is where the efforts to live reclusively, in dedication to the divine energy/essence of all existence, and the efforts to live sustainably, in harmony with nature and the environment co-exist.

Although the term ecovillage seems to be a recently  inspired english word (around 1990), this natural process of living life, the goal of harmony and self-sufficiency, the noble ideal of sustainability for the next generations to come, and the wisdom vision to live lightly on the planet has been in existence since begininngless time. Just as the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD) has directed NMC to live a self-sufficient, sustainable life within the cloak of monasticism for several decades now, there have been and will always be groups of beings working and living together with this same (goal) effort, in places all over the globe…in secluded, rural and (now) even in urban locations; and please note that just because a group does not adopt the term “eco-village”- does not mean they are not that, or have not been that ideal oftentimes since before the term was created.

An ecovillage is a place where beings may have a reasonable degree of closeness for the sake of their collective efforts and saneness. The ecovillage is ideally a place for work, leisure and recreation, birth and transcendence, celebrations and initiations. It is a place where much of the food for the residents is organically grown on the land where they reside… a place where the physical work, spiritual work, and family life (be it spiritual or biological ) are all located within a close proximity of walking distance… which is supportive of the efforts to be less pollutive and more self-sufficient.

Although no one ecovillage, including NMC, can claim to exemplify all of the noble ideals 100%, a goal is to be as a lamp – which when lit, provides the light, for others around to see, to get a glimpse of the vision to walk lightly and do no harm; and to live in harmony with one another and our environment to the best that we all possibly can. And ultimately, the goal is to do the work for the work’s sake, (and not even knowing  that you have inspired someone else to do these beautiful deeds as you have done)… do the work because you know it is the right and best thing to do. That is the ultimate goal.

Here at Nahziryah Monastic Community Retreat for Meditation & Wholistic Living – Monastic Ecovillage, the Baba directs to work & meditate, meditate & work… towards consciousness expansion & further spiritual development of ourselves and all existence, and toward the health & well-being of the planet through our concerned actions of intensive recycling, organic gardening, utilizing renewable energy and self-sufficiency.

These web pages will provide a glimpse of the work that the Reverend Baba Nazirmoreh (ABRD)/NMC is doing as a monastic ecovillage.

While treading the Nazir path of monasticism,
we strive to live sustainably,
In harmony ecologically,
And to the best possible self-sufficiency
that our present existence will allow.
Through assisting the Baba’s unfaltering knowing
To simply Live the life,
We learn to live in unison,
Regardless of the labels others seek to enclose us in,
We walk silently hand in hand,

Here and now on the promise land.